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- Balanchine's “Serenade”, suite

- Nureyev's “Don Quixote”, Kitri variation

- Nureyev's “La Bayadère”, act I, act II

N.Makarova's "La Bayadère", act IV

- Nureyev's “Swan Lake”, Odette variation act II

- Nureyev's “Swan Lake”, Sigfrid variation act III

- “Le Corsaire”, pas de deux and variations

- Opera “La serva padrona”, mimic parts and two preludes with historic dance

- Opera “Don Pasquale”, prelude act I and mimic parts

- Opera “Madama Butterfly”, prelude act II and mimic parts

- Opera “il Trovare”, Gipsy dance

- Opera “La Traviata”, Zingarelle e Toreadori

- Nureyev's “Nutcracker” full ballet, with the students from the Scuola di Danza Classica Circolo Lucchini RS Lovere

- Pink Floyd Ballet

- Opera “Aida”, Dance of the Priestesses, Ballabile, Dance of the little moorish slaves

- “Dalle Grazie alla grazia”, a show about dance, music and poetry, historic excurus of the arts' path, entirely conceveid and realized by the Junior Ballet Lovere

- "The Wall" (rock opera): "Another Brick in the Wall part 1", "Don't Leave Me Now", "Hey You", "Comfortably  Numb" Choreographies

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